Image by Lena Helfinger from Pixabay



為了便利大眾,民眾不需經過醫師開列處方(prescription),即可直接到藥局、藥妝店、超商或賣場等處購買自我醫療的藥物或試劑等,也就是無需處方可直接購買(Over the Counter,OTC)。


● 靈敏度(Sensitivity),能檢測出真陽性(True Positive)的程度,表示受測者有罹患疾病且檢驗結果也呈現陽性(前因後果一致吻合)。

● 特異性(Specificity),能檢測出真陰性(True Negative)的程度,表示受測者無罹患疾病且檢驗結果也呈現陰性(前因後果一致吻合)。



At-Home COVID-19 Antigen Test Kits: Where to Buy and What You Should Know

By early April 2022, 17 rapid antigen tests had earned FDA emergency authorization for at-home use without a prescription. Using these tests frequently—for school attendance, before and after a large indoor gathering, prior to seeing a vulnerable person—can help reduce risk of spreading the coronavirus. For many people, it makes sense to keep at least a few of these tests on hand. Rapid tests were once hard to find, especially during the initial Omicron surge, but now they’re more widely available (and you can get free tests shipped to your home).


The FDA has granted emergency use authorization (EUA) to a growing number of rapid at-home COVID-19 tests that are available to shoppers, without a prescription, in pharmacies and online. Most at-home kits come with two tests and cost between $20 and $40—though a few, such as Acon’s Flowflex COVID-19 Antigen Home Test, come with only one test and cost about $10.

The accuracy of an at-home antigen test depends in part on test sensitivity (the test’s reported ability to detect a true positive), test specificity (its reported ability to detect a true negative), sample integrity (whether a swab contains enough sample or the swab solution is contaminated by, say, another pathogen), whether someone follows the manufacturer’s instructions exactly, the time since a person’s last known or suspected exposure and/or their onset of symptoms, and the person’s viral load at the time of testing. In general, these tests all have about the same ability to detect the virus, and you should feel comfortable using any of them to check whether you’ve contracted COVID-19, said Dr. Michael Mina, a former Harvard epidemiologist who is now the chief science officer for eMed, which sells a version of BinaxNow for certified results (such as for travel). Of note, in a recent and not yet peer-reviewed study of 700 people in San Francisco, the BinaxNow at-home tests were able to detect most people who were infected with the Omicron variant and were carrying high levels of the virus, The New York Times reported.


Source:《紐約時報(The New York Times)》

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美國食品藥物監督管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)


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At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests

The table below lists FDA-authorized at-home OTC COVID-19 diagnostic tests, and includes information on expiration dates, who can use the test, and other details that may help you decide what test is right for you.



● Manufacturer and Test Name (Links to Instructions for Use)


● Who can use this test: Symptoms(使用者症狀)

● Who can use this test: Age(使用者年齡)

● Other Details(其它細節)

Expiration Date(有效期限)

Source: 美國食品藥物監督管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)

P.S. 美國食品藥物監督管理局 FDA 相當於台灣衛生福利部食品藥物管理署








● 美國發生了什麼?狀況、趨向、情勢如何?

● 美國政府做了什麼?缺乏什麼?忽略什麼?

● 美國民間做了什麼?缺乏什麼?忽略什麼?


● 台灣發生了什麼?狀況、趨向、情勢如何?

● 台灣政府做了什麼?缺乏什麼?忽略什麼?

● 台灣民間做了什麼?缺乏什麼?忽略什麼?


● 該做什麼準備?

● 為何要做個人防護措施?

● 如何做好個人防護措施?